f6d3264842 So I just beat Mass Effect 1 again last night. ... same kind of move so I thought I'd check the old machine to verify the location of the save files.. So I want to get Mass Effect 1 on Steam and I already have the retail copy ... It is not in some secret Steam folder, it is in your documents and not .... Aug 20, 2013 ... Go to save games and click on copy mass effect 1 save games. From there, just look for your save game folder (my documents/bioware/mass .... Discover the imminent danger from an ancient threat and battle the traitorous Saren and his deadly army to save civilization. The fate of all life depends on your .... Sep 21, 2012 ... my ME2 on steam says that there's no save data for ME1, which there ... Go to your install folder, the game, binary, Mass Effect 2 config.. So, any further Mass Effect Save site would likely be redundant, and that's before if ... to masseffectsaves.com, previously located at http://www.annakie.com/me/.. Then click 'Copy Mass Effect 1 Save Games'. You then have to locate the folder with ME1 saves. The default location is Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect\Save.. I believe they're located at: C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect\Save As far as I know, Steam does not backup .... So, how do I find my old Mass Effect save files? Did Steam once put ME1/2 save files in a different location? I.e has the location of save files .... Will I be able to import my character from Mass Effect 2 from steam into a ... to the location of your ME1 save files and it did the rest of the work.. Like it says up there, Mass effect 1 will not show my saves. I am trying to ... The magic of google says that it is in documents/bioware/mass effect/save, but the folder is empty. Please .... Just to check, is it steam/origin/neither?. Then click 'Copy Mass Effect 1 Save Games'. Obviously impossible. You then have to locate the folder with ME1 saves. ... E drive 4 TB data storage; steam; origin games etc....character saves usually saved in documents on .... Windows, %USERPROFILE% \ Documents \BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save\. Linux ( Proton ), <Steam-folder> .... I just bought Mass Effect 2 on Steam but I can't get the game to save my ... I checked the save folder (My Documents\\BioWare\\Mass Effect .... Feb 26, 2010 ... Where does Mass Effect 2 store the saved game file on Windows 7? ... to use d: /Documents as the document folder, Mass Effect 2 ignored that .... Jun 3, 2014 ... You can also just copy your saves manually to the correct folder. Go to \My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect\Save\ Select any files that begin with CHAR_ (These are the completed game saves that can be imported) Copy those files to \My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save\ME1\. Apr 1, 2017 - 2 min - Uploaded by Mario SuarezIn this video i show you how to import your character from Mass Effect 1 into Mass Effect 2.. Naviagte to your My Documents --> Bioware --> Mass Effect 2 --> Save folder. If you do not have these folders, simply create them yourself EXACTLY as shown.. I have played both mass effect 1 and 2 pc and have the save ready for mass effect 3. The problem is, i bought the two games on steam. Since mass effect 3 wont .... However, I bought Mass Effect 1 on Steam and when I go. ... The save files are always stored in teh same folder, whether you have the Steam, Origin or retail ...
Steam Mass Effect Save Location
Updated: Mar 18, 2020